That looks like a fun show, Heather. And your sister is gorgeous. But I want to hear the radio play, and it looks like it is a play play. And I would guess it's unlikely to tour anywhere near me. Bummer.
Actually, it's done just like a serial, with the actors in front of the mikes and foley artists and all. Also, it looks like you can order the first two here. They'll probably have the third one up in another few months.
Darling, you know it's true.
Still, dude. Harsh. No, I know it's bad over there- though it is where I left my car during the F2F and nothing happened to it. There's a sign on a building over near my friend's house that lists off prohibited things on the property, mostly your usual "no loitering, no littering" until it gets to the "no crack sellin'"
Aww, I think it's sweet.
No, really. I do.
I'm not being facetious. I actually think it's sweet.
ETA: Alright. So I killed the thread. My apologies.
"Moments later...": Oh, this is bad. I feel rotten, b/c I've harshed on NSYNC (not to mention, Allyson and an indirect sort of way - I mean, it wasn't intended as a personal attack, it just sort of fell out that way), and now look what's happened: the thread's gone cold.
I'm sorry. There's nothing more I can say than that.
Largo, look at the hour. I don't think you should take the blame for the thread death.
Besides, everything already is my fault.
Thread death? I just rebooted my computer to get my mouse to work again, even though I should have just turned it off and gone to bed, because this thread was so active. How can it be dead?
But if it is, does that mean I can go to sleep now?
I'm trying to watch WaT and clean. It's hurting my post response time.
I was just used to the quick responses to posts that I thought...oh, nevermind. Just the paranoia talking again.
Trudy, did you see I was talking about your cousin Henry upthread?
I did not for I have been a skippy skimmy girl. What was it?
He's a nice guy and fun to talk with -- but I've never had the nerve to ask him if he got a piece of the merchandising on Nighmare.
Kristen, do you know when you'll be done with the dental nightmare you've been so brave to go all the way through?
I'm trying to watch WaT and clean. It's hurting my post response time.
Kristen IS the midnight cleaner what cleans at midnight!
Just the paranoia talking again.
I blame the Don Henley songs. But Nilly is right (as she always is) - it's bedtime for me.