There's an old saying, you make three movies. The one you write, the one you shoot and the one you edit.
Which ones is closer to the one's in your head, if my question makes any sort of sense?
I'm more curious about the fast forward through time Jewish montage in "Pink Flamingos" than I am in the censoring of Sharon's story.
I'll ask, if you like. Now I wonder what they'll do with the confession-in-the-bathroom scene (which I loved, by the way) this coming Monday.
That looks like a fun show, Heather. And your sister is gorgeous. But I want to hear the radio play, and it looks like it is a play play. And I would guess it's unlikely to tour anywhere near me. Bummer.
She's mean.
You know, when Strega calls you mean, you've truly arrived.
I feel like I should have a tiara and sash and a loaded gun.
Ninth Ward - figures.
Darling, you know it's true.
Must've just been the wind.
Mighty like the wind. (Good restraint, Kristen!)
If you have Judy Henske, you're done. Pop-ish or blues is probably safe. Usually lyrics mean more to me than the actual music, which is why I'm clueless -- there's a lot of stuff where I feel like, "Yeah, that's really original and sounds wonderful, but... it doesn't mean anything to me." Not always, but often. I've got tons of Robyn Hitchcock, if that gives you some sense.
Oh, but I am a complete sucker for strings. There are crap songs I like because there are violins in there.
Okay, I can triangulate from Henske/Lyrics/Strings/Hitchcock. I did a whole mix titled Strung Out just for the pretty pop strings effect.
You mean, you don't already?
Which ones is closer to the one's in your head
The one I had an issue with, apparently.
That should be a litmus test.
Seriously, Tim, what's up with all the, "I suck" shit? Do you need a hug? I could send someone to hug you.
There is a website for it, no?
You know, when Strega calls you mean, you've truly arrived.
Bah. It's too late to suck up now.
But don't you ever come up with things where you're like, "I never would have thought of that if I'd done this on time!"? Or is that just my own special rationalization for doing things at the last minute?
Yeah. I've probably just burned bad work habits into my brain, but yeah. It does seem to come out best when I just vomit it. But that kind of vomiting is often just as unpleasant as the gastric kind. And twice as acidy.