Dude. I was so totally listening to Jackson Browne today in my car. Which, I suppose, doesn't make today all that much different from any other day.
The scary part about Browne's early 70s stuff (which I also have on my ipod) is how applicable some of the lyrics are today.
I didn't get MTV (or cable TV beyond HBO) 'til Sept. '87, so I missed out on most of its' golden era. I got, more or less, the Adam Curry/Downtown Julie Brown/"Remote Control" era, when that network was just one giant, economy-sized ball of Yuck.
The Hold Out album scarred me to the point where I can't trust anything he did from that decade.
I mean, Disco Apocalypse. Dude.
I want all those Cintra Wilson puppettoons! Winter Steele! And the Stevie whatchamacallit noir/beatnik/skateboardy cartoony.
And I still desperately want "Slow Bob In The Lower Dimension" by Henry Selick.
I hope you have Hejira.
I had it, but I didn't love it. Aside from some tracks on Mingus, Joni's post-Hissing of Summer Lawns career leaves me a bit cold.
I didn't get MTV (or cable TV beyond HBO) 'til Sept. '87, so I missed out on most of its' golden era.
The Maxx and AF were on in '95, so Liquid Television must have been right before that.
You had it good and you didn't even know! Fie upon thee!
Aside from some tracks on Mingus, Joni's post-Hissing of Summer Lawns career leaves me a bit cold.
Go back and listen to "Black Crow" and "Coyote."
::stern face::
Only if most people go back and listen to at least one Eagles album. That's right, you heard me: the Eagles.
You had it good and you didn't even know!
How could I know? Every time I flipped to MTV, they had another marathon (it seemed) of that godawful "Just Say Julie." I mean, Winger videos were bad enough, but that show was, like, "Drop the bomb! Exterminate them all!" bad.