You just get abused, not oppressed.
Hm... I feel like I should respond, but I have no idea how to do so.
Also, I had lunch with Joss and he asked me if I wanted to write and direct some blonde vampire movie thing
Oh. God. I don't suppose it's Darla. Anything else will leave me very depressed.
Oh. God. I don't suppose it's Darla. Anything else will leave me very depressed.
Gunn got turned and dyed his hair?
Opening weekend?
No. Not opening weekend. I think they meant in total and am pretty sure they meant globally since the article mentioned the international fanbase right after quoting the number.
Gunn got turned and dyed his hair?
And lost a foot in height and is now played by that guy who sang the thong song.
I was trying to make Strega happy, Tamara, not kill herself.
Also, I had lunch with Joss and he asked me if I wanted to write and direct some blonde vampire movie thing. Should I do it? (I of course said yes right off, still) Anything under 13 hours scares me. And anything over 13 hours... um. I got nothin'.
Don't even tease. Are you teasing? This would be a fun self-fulfilling prophecy, or prophecy fulfillment, or whatever. It probably involves a talking hamburger statue loa thingie, anyhow.
Actually the rosemary chicken was on the table.
Don't worry, Tim. Restaurants get bulk deals on their linen.
Hm... I feel like I should respond, but I have no idea how to do so.
Not by you. Darn. I wish I could remember the thread. I do seem to remember someone (not you) telling Tim he was putting forth a straw man, and Tim shut him down, but good. On second thought, that might have been Drew Z. in the Buffy forum.
I heart 1776 kind of a lot.
However, if you are a high school putting on a musical? Do NOT choose this unless it's already a boy's school. There are not enough musical-loving boys in a 1200-person high school to fill out the cast, and the Founding Fathers already look like they're in drag without cross-casting.
I was trying to make Strega happy, Tamara, not kill herself
Aw. But wait, there's Harmony! And she survived the Angel finale, too. I'm all for a Harmony movie. There, everything's fine. Whew. Scared myself for a second there.
Cindy, I think it must have been Drew, then. I believe I did annoy Tim once when I was aiming at "whimsical" and hit "tremendous jerk" instead. But I'm pretty sure I'd have pounced on anyone saying "straw man" just because... ugh. Usenet-style debate.
Strega, the more I think about it, the more I think it was Drew Z in the Buffy forum (and I want to make a Clue game joke here, but I'll refrain). I think it was after the death of Tara.
Sorry Strega. Sorry PC. But you have to admit, Sisko playing Spike would be a laugh riot.