I have a few history channel DVD things and such that are pretty good, Kat.
Also, I had lunch with Joss and he asked me if I wanted to write and direct some blonde vampire movie thing. Should I do it? (I of course said yes right off, still) Anything under 13 hours scares me. And anything over 13 hours... um. I got nothin'.
I'm down with OPP is being OPPresed.
Tim, I'm not even a history teacher, but I feel their pain. The last sort of commercial flick that we can show (cause sometimes, when the natives are restless, it's good to throw on something with a plot) that relates is R-rated, which is an issue in a classroom. (The Patriot, fwiw... which I recently learned is an adaptation of My Brother Sam Is Dead which I'm teaching this year).
Me? I don't show movies or videos in class unless I'm out.
History Channel DVDs? hmmmm.....
So 13 hours is a target for ya?
I'm down with OPP
Yeah you know me.
What would you want to write about Spike?
Kat, what about Mann's "The Last Of The Mohicans"? The director's cut on DVD is kind of wonderful. And, and here I'm probably going to shame myself, but Joss dug it too, when I turned him onto it -- the musical 1776? I adore it. (And I know it's not only kid-friendly, but kids should love it, because I did in 1972 when it came out. I remember seeing it at Radio City Music Hall when I was nine and being spellbound. Funny clothes, wigs and all. Or maybe that was the Rockettes...)
Could've been the Rockettes. I'm trying to picture my Very Urban middle school kids (and I'm told at my new school the kids are rougher than my old, which I don't understand. New school is in Silverlake. Old school was in South Central. How can that be true?) handling any musical. Kids should love musicals, and god knows I loved Carousel enough to buy the record (LP, natch) with my lunch money... but I don't know why I think they won't.
Last of the Mohicans, though, is a totally good call.
Also, while I'm here kvetching about historical movies, can I just say Hayden Christensen and Mischa Barton in the Decameron makes me want to take sharp pokey objects and jam them into my eyes.
New school is in Silverlake. Old school was in South Central. How can that be true?
Old school has street cred. New School is has to be twice as rough to be half as cred-worthy. And still not so much.
But that's just so.... so... wrong. I don't want that to be true. I want 12 year olds that have NO street cred, thanks.
Also, I had lunch with Joss and he asked me if I wanted to write and direct some blonde vampire movie thing. Should I do it?
Wow, so the offer was literally on the table.
And, and here I'm probably going to shame myself, but Joss dug it too, when I turned him onto it -- the musical 1776? I adore it.
No shame there. I love it too.