Allyson, that's awesome, congratulations! Maybe you'll get to buy your own pony!
And Kristen, this
It's like Herb Saunders, Baltimore, became an FBI agent.
made me laugh and laugh. Can I steal that and credit you? (So I guess "quote" is more accurate, but "steal" makes it sound more fun.)
I will join the Allyson Yay! parade. I look forward to your book with great anticipations.
Allyson, Graham says woohoo! I think there was also thumbs up involved, but I am not sure.
Big Congrats Alison. Manipulatory Digits up.
Can I steal that and credit you?
Please do! Share the joy!
Allyson and I are celebrating. For she is a rock star.
Though I don't think she's right for our band, INXS.
Yay for celebrating Rock Stars!
I know it's well past but
Since we're in the soap thread, I thought I'd mention:Barbara Bel Geddes dies at 82.
makes me really sad. I used to stay up late Friday nights to watch Dallas. Recently, we've been tivoing every episode. Donna Reed was Miss Ellie during the whole Pam's dream years, but BbG was the one true Ellie. My favorite was her telling J.R.'s 3rd wife, Callie, "I had to take a cattle prod to Jock" in explaining how to handle a Ewing man.
Allyson and I are celebrating. For she is a rock star.
With great hair!
Allyson, look at the date. Exactly one year ago, I boarded a plane on the way to LA (I landed on the 11th, but the day I left Israel was the 10th). Remember how you talk about karma? Good things happen to good people. You've had the talent all along, and you created your own luck. I'm so happy for you now, I don't think I can imagine how happy you are. And you deserve at least that much more.
you got this through sheer talent, missy, don''t you forget it!
Because it can't be said enough.
Does to the dance of "hooray for Allyson!"
Also, that's almost spooky, Nilly. Hee.
Yikes, though. It's been a year since Nilly Tour 2004? The time - she does fly.
Allyson, that is awesome. Congrats!