ita, I think I understand what you mean. I guess if what he's saying is that absolutely anyone is good enough at something to be in GF, I completely agree with you. To me the hook was that anyone might have the skill/knowledge they need at a given time. If that distinction makes any sense outside of my muddled head.
Oh, and I keep meaning to pass this on to you. Warren Ellis was rambling about next year's Heroes Con:
I'm thinking about buying table space and setting a velvet rope up around it. I could have it listed in the convention book as my Compound. And it looks like we'll be arranging some kind of adults-only evening talk, where I don't have to keep it clean and can talk about things like Alcohol, Porn, Hate and Shagging. [...] Thank god I have a year to work up the strength for it. Am now taking applications for Female Bodyguard Squad.
I thought of you. I bet he's only half-joking.
He isn't joking. In the days of the Warren Ellis Forum, he had a half dozen female moderators enforcing his will and wreaking unholy vengenance on trolls. Several of them tend to show up at his US appearances and continue to do so...
In fact the run of Thief Of Hearts, De-Clawed, Aidan, Little Girl Lost and Gem feels very Angel season two to me.
that makes me so excited. season two was my favorite.
Did you pitch a comedy?
Maybe a show about nothing?
Or else maybe a show about a group of people who hang out on an internet message board and fight crime in their spare time.
Warren Ellis is my new hero.
I wonder if Fox just hasn't bothered to update the website.
I'm glad that Rachel is excited to be on
I'm excited to get to watch her on
CaBil, I'm familiar with the WEF, although I don't remember so much unholy vengeance as just, well, moderating. But I may be biased in that area. I think he's kidding about an application process.
I should pitch that "I Never Wrote for Buffy". I'm sure none of those celebrities will mind if I use their real names, right?
Heh. I was too afraid to ever post in the Angel forum at MBTV/TWoP. I posted in the Buffy forum maybe a half dozen times, and once or twice in the SFU forum.