Fans send us to spa and beautiful flowers. We feel the love and call it quits.
Why do I suspect you did all of that just for the spa and flowers?
I’m kidding.
Thanks, Allyson.
Someone at work told me your BSG recaps are sooo good.
And BSG is…?
(Yeah, I know, I live in a cave.)
“INXScessive”? Me likee.
dude, he's so fallible. He wrote "Family."
What's not to love about Tara getting slugged? Sure, there was the rest of the episode...
You can sit over here with me, David, and we'll get our W/T schmoop on.
Hey, I've got nothing against W/T. My issues with that episode actually have very little to do with them (if you can imagine such a thing, as the ep centered entirely on them). Anyway. My point was, Joss is capable of erring (I'm sure we can all find sometime we didn't like something for which he was responsible, even those of us who love "Family").
And BSG is…?
Battlestar Galactica. In this case, the new one.
I'm sure we can all find sometime we didn't like something for which he was responsible
<digs around in fondement, yanks> Hey, look: it's all Summers' blood! That'll solve everything!
Congrats to Peter Coyote... looks like he's employed again.
linky - scroll towards the bottom
Yeah, I saw that. He's just shuffling between shows these days.