But the success of the dvd sales had nothing to do with greenlighting the movie either?
I've said, twice now, "I think the DVD sales were a factor." DVD sales are separate from the fan campaigning that, no, I don't really think had a hand in the movie.
ETA: I should clarify and say "had a hand in the movie getting made." God knows, Universal has certainly discovered the power of fandom and is using that to try and promote the movie.
Ah, much clearer now. I admit, I tend to skim more when things start to feel tense. I missed that distinction when I was reading earlier.
This is tense? Man, you're like jamicas. Yeah, mon.
I feel the need to share that I am now officially ON VACATION.
No work for the next 7.5 days. My office has been informed that I am off the map and they will have to figure out how to make copies at Kinkos on their own.
Oh, Kristen. Enjoy. Your parents are coming soon, right?
They arrive tomorrow night, Cindy. And we will partake in five days of the official activities of our clan: Eating good food and looking at real estate.
I like your clan traditions. Has your weather cooled any, since the weekend?
Yeah, AICN Talkback is a primary example of assholes unleashed. A good number of the posters diss things simply because they believe disliking something someone else likes somehow makes them kewl.
Not to say I haven't met people like that IRL. I know one couple who are friends of a friend, where the guy hates a particular webcomic artist for no reason other than he's popular and his girlfriend hates Joss for the exact same reason. (They claim there is more to it than that, but it's basically what their arguement boils down to.)
So the last time I hung out with my friend and he said they were coming along, I made a point to wear a shirt from said comic and my Firefly buttons on my coat. Neither of them spoke to me the whole evening.
It's much cooler! Which is why I am now off to clean and finish making dinner reservations for while they're here.