OK, the scenes between Web and the hooker? Disturbingly hawt. Peter Coyote in his sexy black shirt with his crooked amused smile playing fucked-up mindgames and putting an anklet on a woman's leg? Oh my GOD.
I'm not saying I won't scream like a little girl and run the opposite direction if I met someone like Web in RL, but on my TV screen, he's hot like smoldering hunk sandwich of Prince of Darkness. Just sayin'.
I love the fact that the Web is an evil fucker. Tim, if you are out there, Big Guy... making the supervisor an evil fuck may be why you are having a wee small amount of trouble with the net.
Oh no! Back to the FBI conspiracy theory!
Okay I just watched this.. Nice case. Loved the "uses kaleidoscopes to spot demons" thing.
I was a bit bummed that we didn't see Web get into trouble (or at least sidestep the trouble with some cool dialogue) for putting the girl in danger like that, but aside from that I thought it was a great episode, and a nice continuation from where Thief Of Hearts left off (and yay for the case-name-dropping in the teaser. Continuity Yay!)
I had a little extra excitement over this episode, because it was the one I got to watch some filming of when I was in LA in April and stumbled across the location shoot. I'd been keeping my eyes peeled for scenes inside the Vinyl Fetish store!
Each week I get more miffed that there won't be many many episodes of this show.
Hmm. Episode was pretty good, but didn't quite give me the Web-is-evil vibe I was hoping for. Not feeling really any more creeped out by him than I was before.
I, on the contrary, was more creeped out by Web than ever. Perhaps not so much evil-creeped out, as generally-creeped out. The lengths this guy will go to to solve a case is quite scary, and seems to be getting lengthier for each episode.
I think I love all these (main) characters now, but if I had to choose? Web is rocking my boat pretty hard right now.
And I say that in a very heterosexual, yet manly love kind of way.
Which means, indirectly, the freak-job was dressing a hooker up as Rebecca. Hee!
That was just brilliantly done. Especially coming right after the Paul thing. First you're skeeved that he's making himself a Rebecca to his Paul, then, wait, there's something else going on, and then suddenly you realize he
making a Rebecca, just not the one you thought.
If my sources are correct, it's Kiba Rika's birthday.
Happy Birthday, Kiba!
That was just brilliantly done. Especially coming right after the Paul thing. First you're skeeved that he's making himself a Rebecca to his Paul, then, wait, there's something else going on, and then suddenly you realize he is making a Rebecca, just not the one you thought.
Our Tim just loves us so.
Happy birthday, Kiba! She hasn't seen the episode yet, so she might not stop by for a bit.