I find Web & Rebecca so much more interesting than the rest of the show. So those parts make me shout, "Yes, do a whole show about this fucked-up shit over on FX or HBO, instead of having to hint at it on a network."
And the entertainment value of the fucked-up shit is to Tim's credit, and my being uninspired by the other stuff is not his fault, but it frustrates me anyway. I feel like I'm watching a show that's been muzzled.
(Did no one mention Vertigo? Then I will.)
I started cracking up when I realized that if Web had been on the case officially Rebecca would have been the bait and in peril aGAIN!
Exactly what I thought, Trudes!
Which means, indirectly, the freak-job
dressing a hooker up as Rebecca. Hee!
Awww, I finally saw Allyson's logo. Puppies!
Strega! Every night I say to myself, I'm gonna be spontaneous and call Strega! And then I realize it's 2AM your time. You should just move here.
(Did no one mention Vertigo? Then I will.)
Oh fucking hell duh.
"Yes, do a whole show about this fucked-up shit over on FX or HBO, instead of having to hint at it on a network."
I just have to say, I'm a quarter of the way through the fourth season of
and it is some fucked up shit.
Which means, indirectly, the freak-job was dressing a hooker up as Rebecca. Hee!
Ooh, Strega, good call!
Yay me!
Allyson, if you're feeling chatty now I'll get offline. I've been chugging soda all evening so I'll be up late anyway. Entertain me! Spontaneously!
LA's all warm and stuff. Although less warm than here at the moment. But I do like winter.
It's not over until the 900 lbs Mapother screams...
Entertain me! Spontaneously!
...The spontaneity may be diminished by the command.
Thats was very good.. Not sure if I can hancle the next episode... I am going to give it a try though.. it looks good .. just not my content... My husband will not watch it for sure though
And then I realized that Allyson is probably getting ready to watch the show. Which is why our spontaneity must be carefully planned. Bah. Stupid time zones.
The promo for the next episode made me think of some bits of Jam I just watched, which are... wrong. And bad. And very funny. And I don't know how to talk about them because of the wrongness.