How would you explain, as simply as possible, to these children why their teacher is apparently lying to them?
I have thought much on this, because I was the one in the class saying, Yeah but --. Here is my answer:
Too much math at one time will make your head spin. We make you learn it in steps to avoid head-spinning, the same way that you can play touch football and then graduate to helmets and pads and tackling when you're ready. Touch football is a perfectly fun game to play, and it works as a game, but there are things you're just not allowed to do. Next year, when you've mastered all the skills touch football can give you, you'll be allowed to try on the helmet and the hard questions like "what are negative bananas?"*
Be patient, play the game we're asking you to play, and when you've practiced enough, we'll extend the rules.
(*) I had a very long conversation, at about age 11, on the subject of subtracting 5 bananas from 3 bananas, and I really had trouble with counting around the number zero. We talked about negative bananas for, like, hours. I am no good at counting to this day.
Instead of telling them it can't be done, how 'bout telling them, "We're just not going to do that now."
Oh, I'm not doing it (as I have chosen the dubious pleasures of adolescents over those of small children) -- this is what, in my theoretical lesson, would be a test question (or a discussion question, I'm not sure yet). That is to say, the 9th graders would have to think of a way to explain it to first graders. The elementary school teachers are on their own.
Do ya think Rove got Uncle Phillip headslapped by Dubya?
Dubya probably needs to consult with Rove about the Rove situation, so it really comes down to whether Rove is a masochist.
Also: I agree, that's totally the way to do it. Although... part of the point of my theoretical lesson plan involves the fact that those teachers aren't actually lying. What they're saying is true for that system. But it would be better, especially if you have students who already know (often from the incontrovertible supreme authority of their parents, siblings, or Books) that you can so do that, would be to explain about the systems. I don't know much about elementary education, so I'm not sure what the best way to go about it would be, but pretty much any explanation is better than "no you can't."
Oh, also I'm kind of having trouble finding Web pages which talk about the whole idea of "different number systems" aside from just defining them. If anyone comes up with a good, not-too-complicated page about it, could you let me know? Or, for that matter, if you've got something you think should be said about the topic, also let me know!
Oh gawd - an animated .gif that had me laughing outloud: Love your job
Heh. This has been me, like, every day this week!
Yesterday Was Monday In A Tuesday Suit And Today Is The Day That Never Ends It Goes On And On My Friend
Hmm. I'm trying to think of a situation in which a child would have one set of rules for one thing and another for something else.
Like maybe bedtime during school days, and bedtime on weekends.
What time is your bedtime? It depends on whether we are using weekday rules or weekend rules. The set of numbers we're using are like weekday rules, stricter so that we can play with the weekend numbers.
Or a doll with bendy knees versus one without. They're both dolls, but you can't bend the knees of one. You can break them, but you can't make them be bendy. And besides, the doll doesn't owe you that much money.