stumbles into thread, flails around confusedly
I just got off the phone with my mentor/cool co-worker from the last contract gig I had here at the Evil Empire. She informed me that the hiring manager on her team is
waiting for my resume
in relation to the open full-time position they have, and I should give him a call to say hi. She apparently told him I was thinking about applying, and he was quite pleased at the idea.
flail, flail, flail
Bob Novak seems to think Rehnquist will retire as soon as Bush gets back to DC tonight.
I would go to Hilton. But since I'm going anyway in a week anyway, maybe this weekend I'd go to Akumal.
When I point out to them the percentages of black vs. white criminals on death row, as well as how many of those released from prison after DNA and other evidence has come to light have been of color, they just say that if you're convicted, you're guilty. Period.
Some people refuse to have their world views challanged. I hate people like that (not to say that I hate Kathy A's relatives).
It also took me to a Monty Python place. "Notice they don't so much fly as plummet."
Plus the sound effects.... "Baaaahhhh--thud."
Oh god, now I'm snorting. Stop it!!!1!
Yeah. Novak's been saying that Rehnquist will retire this week. Other sources say "Monday at the latest."
Jilli, that's both keen and weird.
Whoot! That's exciting, Jilli.
It's for that open full time position on the Supreme Court, right? Right?
It's for that open full time position on the Supreme Court, right? Right?
Yes, I think the Republicans want to reach out to the Goth community....
Jilli, that's both keen and weird.
flail flail flail
So, um, yeah. Updating my resume
right now.
It's for that open full time position on the Supreme Court, right? Right?
Heh. That would be fun, in a "I WILL RULE YOU ALL WITH MY IRON FIST!" sorta way.