Unless they're a liberal. Then, they're burned at the stake, surrounded by Coburn and his fellow thinkers chanting "Pro-life only applies to the incapacitated and pre-born, you stup!"
Sorry. I'm just so tired of pro-lifers who aren't consistent in their rhetoric.
They're consistent. Pro-life only applies to people where the adjective "alive" can be questioned. Or, put another way, to people who can't tell the pro-lifers to mind their own beeswax.
Heh. Originally typed "pro-livers."
This is the kind of conflict that can only be solved with a toga party.
Ides of March would be perfect. That way the backstabbing would be thematically appropriate! I shall await my 'Save the Date!' e-mail.
Is this a sign of the apocalypse?
Sheep, or Lemmings?
First one sheep jumped to its death. Then stunned Turkish shepherds, who had left the herd to graze while they had breakfast, watched as nearly 1,500 others followed, each leaping off the same cliff. In the end, 450 dead animals lay on top of one another in a billowy white pile, the Aksam newspaper reported. Those who jumped later were saved as the pile got higher and the fall more cushioned, the paper said. The estimated loss to families in the town of Gevas, located in Van province in eastern Turkey, tops $100,000, a significant amount of money in a country where average GDP per head is around $2,700.
Mmm. Wow, thanks for the Celeb tats links. That killed an hour.
Damn, there are some rich celebs with some sucky-ass ink out there. If I were rich and wanted a tat, I would have some excellent ink.
Hell, I'm not rich or a celeb, and the ink I got was as rich as my blood could stand. If it's permanant, I save my fucking pennies till I can do it right.
I am getting another tat on my birthday (8/23). My friends are chipping in, and I am getting a tribal owl, in blackwork. I have a triple spiral on my left shoulder and a tribal butterfly on the nape of my ass...I would love to get my owl on the nape of my neck, but as a teacher....not so much. I already have two back tats, and I don't want an arm or leg tat, and I hate my feet. So I think it's gonna be mid back. Maybe lower neck, where most neckline will cover it.
Sorry. I'm just so tired of pro-lifers who aren't consistent in their rhetoric.
My apologies for putting a damper on the fun demonization of a huge chunk of the country, but there are some of us who actually see a difference between ending a healthy fetus' life and putting an adult who's suffered in a horrific half-alive state for years on end out of their misery. I think the situations are different enough that each needs to be judged in its own right.
Those who jumped later were saved as the pile got higher and the fall more cushioned
They must be pissed, what with their souls not getting onto the spaceship behind the comet.
I've just learnt that a) I
be in town for the krav beach day and b) people here remember I was injured at our last golf day.
I'm injured again, but now they're going to look at me (extra) funny. And I don't really want to wear a swimsuit around some of those krav people. But I will, because I don't like the self-imposed oppression.
This is why sheep need a catcher in the rye.
Someone's been playing Mad Scientist with sheep and lemming DNA, haven't they?