Since Canada has universal health care for basic health care servcies, their health care coverage costs are much lower in Canada.
My prediction is that the U.S. will end up with universal health care. At some point business groups are going to start wanting it, once some serious money gets behind the idea, it will happen.
So are you not going to go to London in January anymore?
Alibelle, probably not, no. Are you still going to Dublin?
Are there pictures of Kat's ring that I've missed with all my dastardly post-skipping?
Rio, I haven't posted a picuture. It's a simple ruby, oval cut in white gold with four tiny diamond slivers at each corner of the ruby.
My prediction is that the U.S. will end up with universal health care. At some point business groups are going to start wanting it, once some serious money gets behind the idea, it will happen.
But that day might get here faster if tidbits like that were front and center rather than tagged on the end of the article. Eh, at least they threw it in there at all.
In-vitro new front in embryo war
Right-to life battle lines may be shifting to fertilized frozen embryos, which have helped millions of women conceive
Dresses with va va voom.
Oh, yeah. I particularly want the first one.
Rio, I haven't posted a picuture. It's a simple ruby, oval cut in white gold with four tiny diamond slivers at each corner of the ruby.
Oooooh, Kat. That sound gorgeous. Will you post a picture, eventually?
I want the second dress. Though tops with boob pockets rarely are sized to fit me.
I love the second dress. No way I'm a medium, though.
I also like Purple Party Time and Rock On.
My forecast includes "localized areas of street flooding." That just ain't right.
Some of me's a medium, some of me's not.
Well, it is probably better than "time to start building an ark"?
OK, this is ridiculous. I've got this stupid zit on my neck. It's a hormone- zit. Fine. Annoying, painful,
whatever. Stupid design flaw. It happens to be over one of the tendons/muscles in my neck , which of course makes my body respond as if I've got a crick in my neck. Which has actually resulted in me getting an actual crick on the OTHER side of my neck.
Good lord. Being human is extremely undignified.