OMG Casper is learning the Way of the Nuttykin. Well do I remember tales of my youth, when I continued screaming after assault by a sibling for 20 minutes, until my mother could get off the phone and assuage my sorrow.
OMG that is a whole lotta Fisher Price.
So does she, FTR.
I love the cutiehead Sark desktops. awww....
I need Kristen right now to fix it for me.
hee Is it purchased music or stuff you've pulled off of CDs?
ETA: ^
I hate to say it, but I've seen living rooms with
more plastic toys than that.
runs and hides.
So have I. I'm trying to figure out what the big deal is.
signed, Once spent four hours Christmas Eve putting together a HotWheels garage for my nephew, three and a half of which involved proper alignment of several hundred stickers.
Eve has the swing open barn! My friend had that, but I didn't, I had the house with a yellow roof.
I wanna go play at flea's now. I'll stay in the basement and be quiet.
Happy thing from this weekend - gotta go with Batman Begins. Oh, and having delicious bbq ribs for breakfast.
Our sky is very ominous. Cindy should be making landfall in the next couple of hours. Whee.
Raise your hands all those who thought -t was talking about Topic!Cindy at first.
I should have said Tropical!Cindy
Well crap.
Just because your new hair cut is sucky, that does
mean you should try fixing it yourself.
This is a fine how-to-you-do.
Just saw Batman Begins on Saturday. Generally, I haven't been into the Batman movies, nor Superman ones, et al. But this movie is so. damn. good. So yeah for you, -t!