Maria, if you end up giving them matching purses, you can put a little different colored ribbon or silk flower on each one for the day of the wedding so they don't spend their lives figuring out who's pourse is who's.
This is a really nice idea, and it can become symbolic, too. My dearest friend had a Ren wedding, and she made each of her bridesmaids a garland for our hair. She used a different color ribbon for each of us to symbolize our relationship with her; for example, mine was green because I was the newest of her friends in the party and she wanted my garland to represent the fresh new growth of our friendship. It was really touching and meant all the more to me because of it.
Perkins these are mine. One lump is a lot higher than the other.
One more question, ita-- what size did you get? I am thinking the medium would work for me.
Oops, I lied. Did you buy their pillow cases, or do normal ones fit them?
That's a good idea, Trudy. I didn't even think of that.
It's one of those things borne of experience and someone nearly not having her car keys as another bridesmaid strolled away with the wrong purse.
Last wedding I attended, the MoB took the wrong
Left the b&g temporarily stranded at the reception without their change of clothes and hotel keys. And all the gifts. And she didn't come back, either. "Too far." Luckily, par for the course, so b&g just laughed it off and the hotel and limo company got them all set.
However, I doubt personalization would have helped that circumstance.
Timelies all!
Am feeling like the world's worst person(or at least the world's worst friend) today. A good friend of mine just announced, via her lj, that she's pregnant. I know that she wants kids, and this is very much a good thing for her, so I should be happy for her, right? Nope. My first reaction upon reading the announcement was a sinking feeling, and the thought "Crap. There goes everything." Basically I'm worried that she's going to become yet another woman I know whose life is all about the pregnancy/baby/child. As I am not real interested in that, I fear I'll lose her as a friend.I feel like I'm running out of female friends without kids. I'm a horrible, selfish person for thinking this, I know, but I
can't seem to stop.
(OK, I realize that part of this stems from my fear that if/when I get pregnant, I'm going to lose who I am. sigh)
Sheryl, I really understand that. Don't feel horrible and selfish--I think it's a very natural fear, and one I've felt many times myself.
However, I doubt personalization would have helped that circumstance.
Yeah-huh -- who would accidentally drive away with a car with shoes and whatnot hanging off the back??
Sheryl, one of my cousin's (the one with the wedding of the matching purses, actually) inspired that fear in me and turned out to be quite the opposite. She loves her munchkins nearly as much as I do and yet when she's away from them she really relishes her grown-up time.
I really don't have anything solid to my fears about my friend. I guess I'm just tired and stressed, which leads me to overreact a bit. Thanks for the
Ya know, the Simpson's episode with Michael Jackson is a little creepy these days.