So my outrageously busy 4th of July started with...a trip to the emergency room.
I'd been feeling pain (it felt like a knot - like when you throw your back out) in my left buttock since last week, but it felt like it was pretty much better. I woke up yesterday to find a bruise on my ass that could possibly give ita a run for her money - almost the whole thing is covered in a dark purple bruise that also creeps down the thigh somewhat. The only thing I can figure is that through not taking it easy enough on whatever I'd done to the glute, I tore something, and then slept on my back and my left side so all the blood pooled and spread. Weirdest part is it didn't hurt at all - just felt really weird.
Talk about a shock to wake up to though. I'm getting an early start to the day before the wedding, and about to get in the shower when I notice this massive solid purple. A real "you've got to be frelling kidding me!" moment.
Basically, I can't do anything about this but ice it for few days and make sure to get to my real doctor back in MA to make sure I'm not having issues with clotting or such.
I did make it to the wedding (which was a lovely trad Catholic ceremony) and my family reunion, but I was too wiped to stay out for the fireworks. Oh well. Got several things to get done before I head back to MA. Have a good day, all. I'll catch you later.
Butt~ma for Frankenbuddha.
And the corker was a woman whose adult son stopped taking his psychotropic drugs and refused to return to the States with her. He's adult and hadn't broken any laws, but she tried to get him arrested anyway to make him come back with she told the police he'd hijacked a plane with a gun. This disinclined the police to play nice, and also disinclined the airline to let him on board. Go figure
As much as I can sympathize with a family member not taking their antipsychotics and being desparate, this is just STUPID and WRONG. I'd be disinclined to travel overseas with my brother who's schizophrenic, anyway. But at least he's on injectable, monthly meds and we don't have nearly the issue with him going off meds and becoming unstable. And calling the police is the DUMBEST thing you can do--well, except for saying he's a HIJACKER and then expecting them to let him back on a plane.
The Underappreciated Art of Firecracker Labels
Including some racist ones. WTF?
KILLER BLOND (Warning - shoots flaming balls.)
I am SO GLAD this week is over.
Raquel, does this mean more Americans than usual visited your area last week? Or just one of those "perfect storm" weeks where the odds catch up with you?
Because if the former, potentially interesting commentary that so many Americans celebrate Independence Day by -- leaving the country.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Frank Gehry with a burning hot passion?
Dear plans for imposing disastrously ugly modern architecture on my borough: diediediediediedie.
Timelies. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Frank Gehry with a burning hot passion?
Yikes. working on the same campus as one of his more recent atrocities, I deeply, deeply sympathize.
Why is this man allowed to run amok with his ugly ass designs that are ugly for the sake of shock value, that value form over function? Oh, yes, people love it for some unknown reason. You should see the tourists we get over at our building.
Could be worse. You could work at the Centre Georges Pompidou.
::buys flame-retardant cup::