I had to get up on the step ladder and look at Mr. Creepy Bug. He's still creepy but I felt slightly sorry for him.
Mr. Creepy Bug has gotten himself caught in part of the blinds and he can't get out. I sprayed him down again, this is really a mercy killing. But he won't die. Tenacious bug.
Roach and Ant killer DOES kill other bugs...right?
Now I feel bad. I'm part of the culture of violence that killed Mr. Creepy Bug.
Oh well. Sometime's a bug's just gotta die....
I am home! Arkansas was awesome. We didn't do much, but my in-laws' house is lovely. It has a large screened in back porch that looks over the woods and into a valley. With the exception of one night out in downtown Hot Springs, we pretty much stayed up in the village and I read and knitted Oz a sweater. Oh, and we introduced Mr. H's parents to Firefly and Wonderfalls.
Now, I need to tackle my inbox.
Ants all over my kitchen! Argh!
Okay, yeah, stupid me for not dumping my compost bucket before I went away for 3 days.
But arhg!
t stomps
'suela, your tag is my favorite quote ever.
I wish I had an unexplainable dragon to fry these ants.
I could give you my cats. They're very good ant catchers.
vvvvvvvb nnnnnnnnnnnnn.
head heavy. must sleep soon.
nj uu mmmmmmmmm
Mr. Creepy Bug is ALIVE!!!!!
I was just sitting there listening to the Pirates of teh Carribean commentary when I heard "clickeyt clicketyclick" which is the sound Mr. C Bug makes when he's trying to escape.
Sure enough there he was.
I sprayed him with more bug spray.