t waves
Did you see upthread that yesterday I saw your American döppleganger? And that she's married to a pirate?
Also, we're gonna need a =lot= more boxes for packing.
Well, especially if the cat keeps commandeering them two at a time for sleepspace.
Sheryl, I bet you can get free boxes on craigslist, now that people have moved in for 7/1.
The bug is still alive and still stuck where it was last night. I'm going to go grocery shopping soon and I'll get some bug killer.
JZ! I hope it was clear that what I sent was a joint birthday present for both of you?
Teppy! Yes indeed, and it's marvelous! Thank you so much!
Happy 4th! I hope everyone has a lovely day.
I am starting the day off right because yesterday I bought some adorable butter-yellow crocs
and wore them this morning to walk the dog through the wet grass in the park. Not only are they the most comfortable shoes EVER CREATED, they are light and waterpoof! Hooray for Lori and Kat and their shoe pimping!
Sheryl! I didn't get to congratulate you on the house yet, so: congrats!
Did you see upthread that yesterday I saw your American döppleganger?
No, no, I didn't. Um, not until now, that you pointed me towards it. Huh. I had no idea that this is how I look or dress, let alone that this is who I should date. The closest to a pirate I've ever had a blind date with was, um - no, I can't think of anyone who is even close. Maybe that's what I've been doing wrong all these years. It's a shame that they're so hard to come by, though, since, well, murder by pirates is good.
Also, I'm trying to figure out where I can get a pocket constitution. I just don't want to order 20 of them (for $20). I used to be able to get them for free... but how?
I think that most national parks/monuments have them. Not sure how much help that is for you, though.
I should emphasize, if I didn't enough already, that your döppleganger was very very pretty, just like you; she was just surprising to me because she didn't look piratical in the least. But there her pirate was, clearly devoted and doting upon her. So now I want a pirate for you, because you deserve to be doted upon as well.
Hil, I hope you get over your jet-lag soon.
Everybody kept telling me that it's worse on the direction of back-to-Israel than to-the-USA, but for me, it was the opposite (and Allyson can tell about how I fell asleep mid-sentence in front of her. Um, twice. The second time, in an apartment full of people. While I was talking and laughing with them). But all the advice I got was what everybody already said - trying to stick to the sleeping - and eating! - shcedule of your current timezone. It helped me on the (relatively short) difference between West and East Coast - I didn't even feel that there was a time difference then.
Thanks, JZ. It's lovely to read that.