So, while I like fireworks, I mostly like the official shows and not the kind people go into Arizona to buy illegally and then set of in the alley behind our house.
Totally. I was glad to have stayed up too late last night, because it meant I was still up instead of startled awake when the jackholes started setting off illegal firecrackers.
Can I be an American one day of the year? I'll let you be Canadian on July 1st in exchange!
Hmm... can I save mine up in case of medical emergency?
Kat, you got up early to get to LAX, right? You're allowed some laziness.
[Edit: and this # has 6=4+2 and 8=4*2, and therefore this slumbernut will be dedicated to legal fireworks for the general joy and non-startled-ness, which is probably not a word anyway]
I did get up early. Went to the airport and am now at home, enjoying the wireless network that we installed yesterday and that Burrell's DH helped us with. Which means I have the laptop in bed. Which I love.
Yeah, illegal fireworks are profoundly irritating. I should have just called the cops. Lori and I both went into the alley and she told him What For. They didn't stop, but did aim the fireworks a different direction.
Honestly, we live in a highly flammable place. That is just not necessary.
Also, non-flammable fireworks for all: [link]
BUT, in speaking of fireworks this company, a sort of SoCal local company, is a family-run, fifth generation outfit that does a ton of the big shows around the country (at the very least), including the olympics in Atlanta and the ones in SLC. On edit: they do some international shows too, including the Jerusalem 3000 celebration.
I remember seeing a pbs thing about them, where they talked about how they planned shows and prepared for them. The special also mentioned that some fireworks have to be hand packed because machinery + explosives = bad.
It's a word now!
Whee! I love Independence Day! Also, thanks for sharing the fireworks.
Kat, who is responsible for the absolutely adorable shirt that Burrell's son wears in that picture?
Allyson painted that. Makes me giggle.
Also, I'm trying to figure out where I can get a pocket constitution. I just don't want to order 20 of them (for $20). I used to be able to get them for free... but how?