That's great, JohnSweden. Mine was just at McDonald's. It was the umpteenth Friday I'd worked in a row, after I'd requested several times to work some Fridays, and some Saturdays.
My manger was there, and on the clock, but was talking to (flirting with) a cop, the whole time. It was supper rush. She was supposed to be our support. Then she came into the Drive-thru area where I was working and bitched at me and the girl working with me, to move the cars faster. She was supposed to be our runner for the food, mind you, and there's really no way to move the people away without their food. I told her I quit. She said I couldn't do that. I disagreed, throwing down my hat, and the little pin they'd given me as an award for selling so much per hour, and said I most certainly could, would, and did quit, so f____________k y__________u. And Bob, who likes carrots, is your uncle.
Hmm. I should have done all that venting quitting.
The first time I handed my boss a letter (which he asked me to rewrite) and the second time I said "I quit. This is two week's notice. Do you need it in writing?" to which she said "Good." and looked back down at the stuff on her desk.
FUCK!! He is already gone. DARN IT! Now I have used up two perfectly adorable I'm quitting outfits.
Dammit! You're going to have to get seriously dolled up tomorrow for the quitting. I think a full on fifties dress.
it will be too hot for my big fifties dresses. PLus, I sit on an exercise ball at work and that won't work so well with crinolines and all that fullness.
The only time I've ever quit a job was one working for my family's church, whose minister my parents were close frends with. Didn't allow for much in the way of catharsis, although not having to get up early on Sundays when I was carrying a 21 hour college course load and working 25+ hours a week at my other job felt good enough on its own.
You were asked to rewrite a resignation letter? Wow.
I haven't had a good cathartic quit. I feel like I'm missing out.
PLus, I sit on an exercise ball at work and that won't work so well with crinolines and all that fullness.
looks down at exercise ball, crinolines and full skirt
Huh? I haven't had any problems with it. And I *always* think you should wear big fifties dresses.
you are more talented than I am. really more to do with the crampedness of my desk arrangement. 60s and 70s is big fifties dress weather. high 80s, nsm.
At one job, I had written a resignation letter but then changed my mind and put it in my drawer (I wasn't bright). My boss, looking for something while I was out of the office, found it and called me into his office when I got back. He showed me the letter and said, "I accept."