Management companies doing the interest things makes sense, but do all, er, non-company landlords do it? You know, the kind where there's this one guy you have to call five times to fix your faucet and he doesn't speak English real well so you don't talk to him more than necessary?
See, I would think it should, because they are holding your money in escrow. However, as we so often learn on this board, Different Places Have Different Customs. So.
I've always gotten security + interest back.
I learned to drive a stick in a military surplus vehicle that was made to pull bomber planes around air bases circa WWII. I know it as a "doodle" but google is giving me no love.
And have to jam my left foot under the seat when driving an auto.
It's been awhile since I've tried to press the clutch in an automatic and came to a sudden stop. I've had some close calls though.
In high school, I remember being on a float in a parade and the driver did that.
Well, Massachusetts law says they're supposed to pay you interest on it. But I'm not at all convinced that people pay that much attention to it.
Ah! Should be in shower. Off I go.
I love our stick shift vehicles in the snow. Heavy, slow traffic, NSM.
That doesn't sound right, Emily. (the trig, that is)
Good point. Mostly, I like having the control over when it goes vrooooooooOOOOO-ooooooooOOOOO-oooommmmm.
Heavy, slow traffic, NSM.
Another reason I'm not aching to have one.
Nothing, sorry.
You have six months! Plenty of time to acquire and then forget stuff. Hurry!
You have six months! Plenty of time to acquire and then forget stuff. Hurry!
Hmmm. I knew some SPSS six months ago that's probably gone now, how about that?