I went on a Walker Percy kick in high school, starting with Love in the Ruins. My dad made a deal with a guy he played soccer with that they'd swap genres - my dad supplied the friend with science fiction in return for Southern Lit, and Love in the Ruins was one of the books he got out of it. I read it when I was otherwise out of reading material and was inspired to seek out more Percy. Evetually, Second Coming annoyed me me and I stopped looking for his books. I don't think I read the Thanatos Syndrome, or whatever it was called.
I am irregular enough in my calls to the parents that it's kind of nice to have a day when Hallmark et al. will guilt me into making an extra effort. And Mother's Day is a big money maker for my brother since he bought the flower shop, though it's harder for him to order for than Valentine's Day, when he just has to make sure he has as many roses as possible on hand.
xposty w/ Bitches:
Job hunt question: Since I've been looking for a job for nearly a year now, would it be a good idea for me to ping my references just to say "Hi! Moved to a different state and looking for a job there!"
OMG bored. I'm doing work and it's boring, I'm not doing work and that's boring.
There's been an outbreak of bored today.
I'm suffering from a particularly virulent strain, myself.
Jesse, you picked a bad day to steal my life.
There's been an outbreak of bored today.
I think the thing is, we should all be lolling about outside today.
It never hurts to ping your references, Anne, although I don't generally do it until someone tells me they are going to call them (or I really really think they will).
Christ I hate flying to the midwest. All reasonably priced outgoing flights are before 7 am. I don't have to be there by noon, damnit!
Going to see a play on Thursday--"I Am My Own Wife"--and I am so EXCITED! I almost never go to the theater anymore.
I saw it at the Goodman and I must say it is an excellent play.
There's been an outbreak of bored today.
Oh no, it's a nationwide epidemic.
Of course, mine is interspersed with my computer laughing at me, but really, even that is becoming routine and kind of dull.
I dropped "Hi! How are you!" to two of the references I was kind of chummy with in the first place. I didn't mention job search stuff; I just dropped a line to make sure they remembered that I existed.
I took a break in my boredom to go swimsuit shopping. Last year, when I wanted a halter, I went to a million stores. This year, when I want something bra or sports bar style, tentative poking indicates I need a time travel machine.
However, I have a tankini top that will have to do until I find something that doesn't look so precarious boobwise. I wasn't going to
volleyball anyway. Just watch others.
Does everyone know about Summer "Soulstice" at Chipotle today? [NOTE: Site has music. And a dude who dances. Watch the whole thing, and you can make him dance.] Anyway, it means FREE BURRITO, and who doesn't love a free burrito?