I did see that - she wasn't flipping off the audience - she was saluting George and she had the funniest bit of all of them. And Shatner was funnier than shit too. If you can catch this on rerun, watch it. Funny stuff.
And, I mean, it looks like he ate Dom! PJ's lost about 200 lbs. I didn't recognize him at. all. Even knowing the voice. I heard the voice, but it looked like Dom in the chair. Can't belive I'm going to say this, but...
Peter Jackson's kinda...
Not all hot and stuff, but cute.
Heh - it's reairing right now. Funny.
I have asked TiVo to go get it for me. I cannot process the idea of svelte PJ.
Right hand side, yellow shirt.
Okay, I actually yelled.
I need to take a couple breaths and go look again.
I would have but sleeping baby.
I don't know what it is. It's a MIRACLE or something. Go him.
He ... he ... he looks ill to me. It'll take me a second to adjust.
Yes - she is getting abottom tooth. However, her recent crankiness was due to her first cold.
Yah. So not.
Not as good as he looked on the thing tonight but some more pictures:
Well, back to the drawing board on the micro-zombie anti-virus army. Ah well.