Over the course of the next two weeks, my office is being moved. Because I'm a contract worker, I'm kind of an odd duck. All of the departments around me got moved this weekend; I'm not being moved until some time this week.
I got in this morning, and my cube is pretty much the only one standing on this side of the building. Everything else around me looks like it was hit by a nuclear blast, and my cube somehow survived. Then I actually made it up to my cube.
My chair is gone.
My filing cabinet is gone.
My cube is partially deconstructed so that the shelf that the monitor sits on pivots on two corners.
I really want my chair back.
Is this one of those Monday thingies? I don't think my brain is functioning yet, so it doesn't even realize it's tired.
Police arrested the fake reporter and three members of his camera crew. They could be charged with assault.
I can sympathize with not being thrilled by a squirt of water in the face, but I don't think I'd have people arrested for it. Maybe he's afraid excess water will dilute all the vitamins?
While I can't confirm the head-shaking thing about Katie Holmes, I can report that she doesn't shake her head or give any other negative body language signals when talking about how much she loved working on Batman Begins. So if it's happening it's not a generic mannerism she uses all the time.
I think you need crime scene tape, Dana.
I think you need crime scene tape, Dana.
Or a Grover doll, arranged to look like he passed out, with a half-empty bottle of vodka at his lips.
See what happens when my brain doesn't get caffeine?
Oh, and Happy Summer Solstice!
Sorta. Those on the West Coast or parts west of that will get their Solstice today (11:46 PM Pacific time). But most of us won't get it until tomorrow.
I think you need crime scene tape, Dana.
I should have roped off my cube and posted signs that said "DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING." Silly me, trusting in the whole color-coded label system.
OK, here's the latest wacky thing to happen in Chicago. There are some motorists who are mad because they got parking tickets for failing to put money in parking meters. But here's the wacky part - when they parked, the meters weren't there. The meters were put in
they parked. Then they got tickets for not plugging the meters that weren't there when they parked.
At least they're getting their tickets voided.
That's pretty wacky, Tom. The wackiest part is, how were there free parking spaces in a big city that hadn't already been metered??
Poking head:
Hil, insent.
Also, in case I still have the nasty virus by tomorrow and I won't be in front of a computer, I'll post now already that according to the Buffista Calendar tomorrow, the 21st, will be EpicTangent's birthday, and send lots of early wishes.