Never could get into Family Guy. I'd catch it flipping channels, something would make me laugh and then something immediately following would make me change channels in disgust. South Park ellicits a similar reaction from me, though the disgust tends to more towards revulsion.
ION, some company has been calling my house for the last week or so, leaving messages on my machine that start well before the beep, so I just end up getting the last 5 digits of a phone number followed by "Please call at your earliest convinience. This is not sales related." Well, today I got a message with the first part still missing, but I got a whole phone number. So I decide to call. I get a "Thank you for calling. Please wait while we connect you message", no company name stated.
Someone finally answers and I can't make out the company name. He asks for a reference number. I tell him I don't have one, they keep leaving only part of a message on my machine and I just today got an entire phone number. He asks me for my phone number. I ask him to tell me who I'm calling first.
He says "Allied Interstate".
I ask what type of company it is.
His response "A business company". WTF? "Can I have you telephone number please?"
What business is the company in?
"I will tell you after you give me your phone number."
I don't understand why I have to give you my phone number just to find out what business your company does.
"I'll be happy to tell you once I have your phone number."
This is ridiculous.
"Please, tell me your phone number."
"No. Bye." and I hang up.
So I do a google search [link] and it looks like they're a debt-collection company that's been in quite a bit of legal trouble for their practices, including harassing payments out of the wrong people. I can only imagine they're at it again as the only debt I currently have is my car payment and I've never been delinquent.
So the question becomes, how do I stop these jackasses from calling me? I have a feeling it's related to a couple months back when I was getting messages for someone who used to live upstairs years ago to call a collection agency back, but the number they kept leaving on my machine was invalid and they never called when I was home.