Since this particular variation of Mormonism seems to have recently opted for "Do what Jeff says" as its primary dogma, I don't see how it can survive in its present form past his death.
This leader has been running the show since his father died a few years ago. He appears to be running it into the ground.
The Americanized version is "kerfufflize."
I just got an email with some sort of strategic planning reminder!!
They're trying to bump up to religion status, whoever they are.
It wasn't even for my own department.
That's what they tell you
What is the etymology of 'kerfuffle'?
For some reason I imagine it started in the porn industry. I like the idea of a fluffer kerfuffle.
Main Entry: ker·fuf·fle
Pronunciation: k&r-'f&-f&l
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of carfuffle, from Scots car- (probably from Scottish Gaelic cearr wrong, awkward) + fuffle to become disheveled
chiefly British : DISTURBANCE, FUSS
Main Entry: ker·fuf·fle
I didn't even know it was a real word.
I won't be able to pick up the tape today!
oy bummer. I'll leave it out on the porch for whenever you can pick it up.
Yeah, it's just me and Will Baude against the world.
Only the Buffistas could start a Kerfuffle about Kerfuffle.