Hey, ms. nicest and pinkest and quittingest, check your email, will you, cherie?
The 1949
Secret Garden
kicks all kinds of ass. So much fun to see a film of the era containing some of the most gaggingly saccharine child performers ever
(It's A Wonderful Life's
Zuzu, I'm looking at you), with a couple of aggressively real-looking kids throwing nasty and gleeful temper tantrums. And young, googly-eyed Elsa Lanchester with a thick Yorkshire accent, laughing her head off at the suggestion that she help a 12-year-old girl get dressed; and the fox cub, and the raven, and the opening shot of vultures drawing lazy circles in the sky above the cholera-raddled Lennox estate in India.
I have to confess, during this most recent humidity I had awesome hair. That extra half-curl did wonders.
In the meantime, it's making my hair frizzy-puff-tastic. Which is not a good thing, in case anyone was wondering.
I caught some of that yesterday (we have TCM playing all day on the TV behind my desk without sound to show captioning and I sneak peeks if it's amovie I like). I turned up the sound to hear the tantrum scene, which I thought rocked the house.
the era containing some of the most gaggingly saccharine child performers ever
I think that Margaret O'Brien and Natalie Wood far outshine all the others. O'Brien's Tootie in Meet Me in St. Louis is one of the most interesting child characters in Hollywood history.
I love Tootie. So funny and odd and adorable with the iceman.
"She has five fatal diseases"
"Gosh, and it only takes one."
JZ - read and backflung. I need to run out get lunch and swing by the PO. I am seriously surprising me with how much I am getting done today.
ION not-of-this-world, NASA says it will send people to the Moon to build a base sometime in the next 10-15 years.
You know, I gotta quote David Cross here: "Put a man on the moon? How about we put a man in a fucking APARTMENT?"
I want an apartment on the moon.
Britney Spears Ranked Top Virus Celebrity:
Pop singer Britney Spears has edged out Bill Gates as the celebrity most commonly associated with malicious software distributed via e-mail, according to data released today from security software company Panda Software.
Researchers combed through the seven years of virus-laden messages stored in Panda's malware database to determine which celebrities most often had their names involuntarily used in association with malicious spam. Rounding out the top five in Panda's "celebrity virus ranking," were Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, and Osama Bin Laden.
Also, what would we do with a base on the moon 10-15 years from now? Are we anticipating alien invasion? Is Mars really all that lucrative?
I guess I am that kind of Philistine that thinks, okay, you could do that, but think up something better than the George Mallory reason ("Because it is there") first.
(If you'll recall, George Mallory died due to his reasoning.)