Didn't he used to do musicals?
Spiner was in the original Broadway cast of Sunday in the Park with George, along with Charles Kimbrough (Murphy Brown's co-anchor on that sitcom).
I always remember Spiner as Bob Wheeler on Night Court.
Speaking of 1776, I wish I had seen the concert version done locally a few years back with gender-neutral casting. They had a female John Adams and, IIRC, a male Abigail!
Chumley the cat had a little adventure last night. Somehow stuck his head through the handle of a plastic bag, then ran around the house -- including both into my bedroom and my roommate's -- crashing into things before he was corraled and de-bagged. At 4 AM. He is currrently resting, seemingly unchastened.
The entry rug, which sometimes he skids onto when he makes the tight turn onto the stairs, was rucked all the way up, which leads me to believe he did a perfect cartoon cat move of trying to run fast on the rug while not making any progress whatsoever....
Have you found any differences between the sexes in terms of competitiveness? I'm wondering if there's any sort of GI Janeness amongst women to be better, stronger faster in terms of competing with men.
The men that are competitive are more competitive than all the women. But in the medium-high ranks, the women are much more
than the men. Some of the guys are still arsing around at the blue/brown belt stage. The women, of who there are damned few, aren't at this point. They get hard core. But really, not that competitive.
The guys are big and strong and fast. It's possible for the women to be better, but not bigger or stronger, and we're not as often faster as we'd like. But attitude can weigh in a lot here.
I am, I've been learning, scarier than I could have imagined, and I get the pause of respect before sparring from guys as well as women. It comes down to technique, eye, and willingness to take a hit and keep moving forward. Heart.
That's not divided up by gender, and in the end, can win you the fight.
Debet! I realised I had the end of The 4400 on the beginning of The Dead Zone -- if you got as far as the
male agent saying he's going to a bar with or without her, that's all they wrote.
Previous to that,
it's them driving off the baseball player (I wonder if knowing that they wanted to help counts any?) while the two agents talk bitterly.
I had the "TV rots your brain" conversation yesterday. How annoying. His response to "You know how much crap there is in bookstores that you hate?" was "Depends on which bookstore."
Good call. It's not like the analogy can be expanded to find a parallel for a bookstore in the TV world.
Good call. It's not like the analogy can be expanded to find a parallel for a bookstore in the TV world.
Well it makes sense that TV would be totally homogeneous, what with there only being three networks and all....
It's funny ... his dad is a muckety muck in TV ... so it's not like he has any reason to be ignorant of the details. I guess it's what happens when you start from that position of dislike. Also, he has a bit of an addictive personality.
LAST DAY!! Do the LAST DAY dance with me.
I am, I've been learning, scarier than I could have imagined, and I get the pause of respect before sparring from guys as well as women. It comes down to technique, eye, and willingness to take a hit and keep moving forward. Heart.
That's not divided up by gender, and in the end, can win you the fight.
Oooh. I wanna use this in the piece. I'm interviewing Tim and Rachel about the critics' responses to the first three episodes of The Inside, specifically about "girl in peril" and whether it's reasonable that a new agent would get tied to the railroad tracks in the beginning, regardless of gender, of s/he keeps charging in without backup, and why people do stupid shit like that in the name of heroism or trying to prove strength.
I was HIGHLY DISAPPOINTED by Vanilla Ice on that repeat last night. That was lame as fuck.
David Sedaris has ruined Billie Holliday for me as well.
I am at my new job, but don't really feel like working. Whoops. At least at 10, there's a graduation thingie for the people who recently passed the GED test. So it's not like anyone's expecting me to get anything done this morning.