My brother says they might represent really bad, but functional, sex. He drove the army ones. Hated 'em, but they'll attempt any maneuver you make. Just as painfully as possible.
I get dents in my car compact spaces or no. People are free with the flinging open doors here.
A friend of mine had her foot run over holding a space for her dad to parallel park in SF. Her dad was just parallel with the car in front and some jerk decided to muscle in. She didn't break her foot, luckily. What got the jerk to move was that she developed a nosebleed right then and bled on his car. I think that freaked him out.
she developed a nosebleed right then and bled on his car
She's so cool. I'd let her rescue me from terrorists.
Unlike JRM. Unless it was just a matter of me running faster than him, and having the bad guys distracted by the flailing.
What the hell is a true compact car (apart from sportscars and those sneaky Kias)?
I dunno either. Daewoos? I know it's not Charisse.
Okay, you have to choose one, ita, to rescue you from terrorists: JRM or Adam Brody?
Tough call.
She's a teeny little pale redhead with a soft little-girl voice. She gets a lot of phone calls where the caller asks to talk to her parents. She gets annoyed by this. She's a bit of a badass, attitudewise.
you have to choose one, ita, to rescue you from terrorists: JRM or Adam Brody?
Gack. Gack. Okay, I think I'm rating JRM as colossally useless, but Adam as detrimental. And I'm probably being harsh to JRM and kind to Adam.
JRM it is, then. I mean, he did play Elvis, right?
I know it's not Charisse.
See? It's a conundrum.
Okay, I think I'm rating JRM as colossally useless, but Adam as detrimental.
Better to go with useless than with detrimental.
Now, if you gave me the same options, without the terrorist and said, "Who would your rather spend an afternoon with?" it might be a different answer. (but maybe not, depending on whether or not running is involved.)
The terrorists and I might bond over his grisly torture and demise. Hell, I'd offer helpful suggestions if I could talk around the gag.
See. David, you get where I was headed. But I was trying to pull celebrities I actually like in some contexts, as opposed to celebs who are just generally useless and icky.
So, attractive but feckless. Likeable but a flibertigibbet.
Rockstars come to mind.
I'm sure he's got competencies but he's got so many
that I don't think I'd want to deal with them in a crisis.
Hmmm. I seem to like people with a base level of competence along with their likeability.
I mean, I'd trust Debra Winger to save me.
If I were with Prince, I'm not sure I'd want to be rescued. Until he was done singing all his songs, which'd be about never.