However, there were around 85 co-sponsors to the bill, which means that there are 15 Senators or so that refused to sign a bill condemning lynching.
I kind of doubt there are senators who will approve of lynching, or who depend on the KKK vote. Jon Kyl says it's his practice not to sign on these non-binding "sense of the Senate" bills. That sounds appropriate to me. I'm not very impressed with this particular politicking. It's a little late for it.
I'm a little confused (and fairly uninformed about the workings of government, I admit). "Not sponsoring" here seems to be used as synonymous with "opposing" -- what's the deal with that? Do people generally sign on as sponsors if they support something?
Okay, Grant Langston's going to have to rewrite his Cameron Diaz song if she no longer looks better on his screen.
Crap. Do any of the SFers want to come spend the day in my apartment on Thursday to let in the people who will be delivering my dish hutch and don't have any weekend hours and won't tell me anything other than they would be there between 9:00 and 6:00.
Clive, Angelina (if I had to choose), Ewan (no choice at all for me there), Colin.....
You could also do an obverse to Jessica's question. Of these celebs who would you absolutely want to NOT rescue you becuase they would just make matters worse.
Orlando Bloom
Adam Brody
um? um.... Russell Crowe
Of these celebs who would you absolutely want to NOT rescue you becuase they would just make matters worse.
Jerry Lewis
Paris Hilton
Definitely Adam Brody. Russell can brawl and Orlando can use weapons. DEFINITELY Adam.
I was going to suggest a chick list with Halle on it, but I think she'd make a lovely sacrifice/alternate hostage.