If there are full size spaces, then they totally suck, ita.
And David, as you know, parking in LA is just as competitive. Especially with the new trend of 90% of parking lots being repainted and relabeled "Compact". If it's all that's there, it's what I park in, but just as full sized cars should NOT park in compact spaces when there are full size spots open, compacts should do the same.
Favorite overheard thing involving San Francisco parking:
I saw it first, you fucking bitch!
From a woman who was mad that someone made a u-turn and took the spot she wanted before she could get to it.
Timelies all!
We have bypassed spring and are in the heart of summer, weather-wise. It's kinda melty out there.
For some reason I can't pin down, I think Viggo would be most likely to be successful, so I'd go with him.
Yeah, much as I love Hugh, his talent for singing and dancing doesn't fill me with confidence in his rescue abilities. Reports from New Zealand lead me to believe that Viggo is the most capable of the three, though the least attractive IMHO.
For the women it'd be Angelina all the way—I want someone crazier than the terrorists on my side.
his talent for singing and dancing doesn't fill me with confidence in his rescue abilities.
Yeah, but he's pretty impressive as Wolverine.
There's thunder going on that keeps rattling the windows. I'm a little freaked and I'd like Hugh Jackman to come and rescue me from it. Or Clive. Or hell, Viggo. I'm so bad at these "pick one" games.
You say Viggo, but what about when he sees the perfect sunset and needs to stop to paint it in watercolour?
At that point, he'd probably have dismembered our enemies with his teeth, so I feel he's earned a little downtime.
Besides, if there's a pretty sunset, the thunder should be over, right?
just as full sized cars should NOT park in compact spaces when there are full size spots open, compacts should do the same.
Actually, this is not true. Having just had to deal with a bunch pf inspectors when the company put in our parking lot, I can tell you that "compact" spaces are marked that way only because the length of a larger car would make the driving lane too small and that's why you notice them near the ends of lanes or near poles or whatever. A place only has to put a "compact" sign on spaces which fall under the limit, and you can have an entire lot with no compact spaces in it, like a lot of older lots--so in that case compact cars would have nowhere to park if they looked for labels. Anyone can park anywhere, but bigger cars are supposed to avoid parking in areas which make it dangerous. However, real estate is expensive and business owners are cheap, so they try to finagle as many spaces into each lot as they can, which means more compact only spots and a harder time for big cars.