Fiasco, My Experimental Phase, Middle of Nowhere, Pray.
I have Fiasco-- I will get the rest. Thanks!
What's Doc review?
The bane of junior litigators; it's usually looking over company documents before exchanging them. I have to review 4000 spreadsheets for relevance over the next two weeks. It doesn't require a lot of higher brain function, so something engaging like TAL keeps me on task.
I think the general rule is, the further along the food chain you get from the vegetables, the more compromised the nutrients being passed along, in terms of concentration and contamination.
Also, in terms of cost, carnivores are more expensive to raise for food because you're feeding them herbviores. It's cheaper to just eat the herbivore in the first place.
Weird blog. This kid told his parents that he's gay, so they sent him to a Christian "re-programming" camp. Here's a list of the rules of the camp:
I've read about that all over my LJ. It's really disgusting.
I want to go rescue those kids and bring them to Mickey's for dancing and sodas.
After skimming over the rules, I wondered if that place was real or not. Sure enough, they have their own website and everything.
I wondered if that place was real or not
It sounds like several "youth therapy programs" that proliferate in the Utah area. The key is to isolate the kid, use some basic personality breakdown procedures, then rebuild the kid into something more "acceptable." A lot of the programs around here are wilderness "schools", taking city kids out on long jaunts in the desert and canyons and physically breaking them down until they cooperate. They've had some kids die on these things, and it took a while to catch the organizer of a couple of these programs because he'd change his name and the name of his company and start over. There are always families who say "I don't know what to do!" for whom accepting and loving their kid the way he is isn't an option.
I hope he gets through it intact.
I've read about that all over my LJ. It's really disgusting.
Fucking appalling. Oh, that poor, brave, miserable kid, and his miserable parents, and the suffering they're inflicting on him out of their own terrible fear and incomprehension.
Though I'm also tearing up a bit at the unexpected goodness of so many of the people posting comments -- folks from all over the world sharing their own coming-out stories and offering coping strategies to get him through the week, all the offers to come break him out, and all the moms (huh, it does appear to be mostly moms) who tell him how proud they'd be of him if he were their son, and the one mom who asked for his parents' phone number so she could call them and share her story with them "because sometimes it takes a parent to get through to another parent."
LILY! cutiehead babycakes.
day before my last day and I was asked to work on some stuff, like specific things. yeah, ok, I'll get right on that.
whatever, dudes.