Earlier this afternoon it was totally a geometry party at my house! And now I'm all, "Oh, I don't want to prove a theorem, how boring." Sometimes it's hard to get back on the horse.
And anyway, soon there will be vw and the long-missed Ana's tacos.
Also, I'm having total flashbacks to Shadowrun for the Super Nintendo.
Damn, that move had me laughing and crying at the same time.
You know, he (Afleet Alex) was one of the few that didn't look washy pre-race.
Afleet Alex has a serious fifth gear.
No kidding!
And even Nolan's cat finished almost 3 lengths ahead of the 4th place horse.
Hi Buffistas! I have been packing and cleaning all day and I am soo hot!!
It is like 500 degrees in my apartment. If I had the $$ I would buy an air conditioner just to use while packing.
Also, my poor mother was going to meet me this am to give me some money to have until I get tax money back, but last night her basement flooded (2 1/2 feet) and, unrelatedly, her 2 year old refridgerator broke! It appears that they pumped out the basement of the house they are buidling behind her (it was just the hole, nothing else) and it went into hers and her 80 yr olld neighbors basement, And so my 60 yr old mom and this 80 yr old farmer wwoman were trying to rig up their sump pumps to go into the street sewer, but finally the fire department from the next town over came and pumped them out!
So, hypothetically, if one were (hypothetically, of course) to be in Canada and one happened to have bought a bottle of absinthe (also hypothetically, of course), could one hypothetically bring it into the U.S., and if so, could one (again, hypothetically), take it from a flight from California to Seattle.
Mind you, this is all hypothetical.
Perkins, I would declare that you have a bottle of alcohol and hope that the customs people are ignorant about the Absinthe ban. Though I think the stuff available in BC is wormwood free.
Sue's suggestion sounds good. (Hypothetically.) Should it not work, you could always claim hypothetical ignorance.
This isn't wormwood free, but they have substituted in a different kind of wormwood, which is supposed to be safer.
eta: I like the suggestions, by the way.
Sophia -- that is just terrible about your mom and her neighbor's basements flooding! And her fridge -- it busted at only two years old? Incredible!