I am not Yuletiding, but I have written and posted fanfic! For the first time in yonks!
Only short - gen, for the Kinkmeme for Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I am not Yuletiding, but I have written and posted fanfic! For the first time in yonks!
Only short - gen, for the Kinkmeme for Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them.
Reveals time! I wrote two things!
You Might Think I'm Crazy [link] (because who doesn't need 32k of sentimental WYN fic?) and You're Gonna See, It's Our Destiny [link] (because what if my recipient actually didn't need 32k of sentimental WYN and actually wanted Android Rock, Paper, Scissors commercial fic instead?).
Just started a new-to-me, long, interesting-premise story. On page 8, lunacy is spelled "loonisy". They get five more pages before I weep and delete it from my tablet. Bah.
Dana, I just enjoyed the heck out of watching a panel video from Escapade, and smiled like crazy seeing and hearing you taking part in the discussion. It was a great discussion!
The main/only La Femme Nikita archive has gone down. I don't know if anyone's been in contact with the archivist recently, to find out what happened, and I don't think AO3 can get involved without the archivist.
It is on the Wayback Machine, and I can't decide if it's worth any effort to save it.
Thanks to asking a couple of asks on Tumblr, I am now being asked for bandom RPF links. I find this hilarious.
Lee, I can get your VVC DVD.
Thanks! I will PayPal you, if you tell me how much.
I've read more fic in the last y at than ever before and I'm hitting the end of a supply it seems. I need a new show to grab my interest in this area.
Arrow, Veronica Mars, Pitch, a little Buffy, a little Teen Wolf, a little Outlander - that's been my reading. Not sure what tips a show into fic interest for me, but UST seems to be major factor.
I love GoT, but nothing there really interests me - although maybe I'll go see if there's any Browne/Jaime. Loving TWD right now, but unless there is some awesome Carol/Daryl non AU stuff that is hidden I have found nothing I like. So am I crazy enough to search out how much fic is written on a show when choosing my next binge? Perhaps.
Suggestions welcome for mostly canon relationships or at least implied interest, generally not interested in major crossovers.
If you like procedurals and a slow burn relationship, Jane/Lisbon of The Mentalist has its charms. I've written some stuff in that fandom that I am pretty proud of, and my favorite authors list on FFN features some very good writers. [link]