AO3 filter question!
I came across a nice long Spock/Uhura story and after finishing it, have yen for more. Unfortunately, something like 70% of the fic in S/U tag in AO3 appear to be 1) Kirk/Spock in which Spock/Uhura is only there so that he can break up with Uhura then get with Kirk, 2) threesome, or 3) where Spock/Uhura is a minor side pairing to Kirk/McCoy or some such. If I just wanted to get the results of stories in which Spock/Uhura is the *main* pairing, err, can I do that? Using some kind of a filter or several?
I think you could probably search for Spock/Uhura and subtract Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Spock/Uhura, and Kirk/McCoy. There's info on Boolean searches here: [link]
I also had a script installed that let you do stuff like that (like, hide all pairings with Loki), but it seems to no longer be in my TamperMonkey.
It's like Tumblr Savior, but for AO3, so you can blacklist authors, words in a summary, words in a title, and specific tags.
YAY! Thanks so much. Off to explore the options. I feel like I should know how to do this already, but I haven't gone fic diving for a random pairing in a while.
Sweet! I'm sorry FrostIron fans, I just don't see it.
That looks like it will be fun.
I particularly liked this bit:
"He's not on fire yet," Hardison said.
"I could fix that," Eliot offered.
Heh heh heh, that was perfect!
Oh, I hope there will be more of that.