I need to sign up, but I've had concerts and crazy work stuff this week, so I've had no time to even look at the list.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Nope! But I'll happily read some of it when you all are done!
Who all is Yuletiding? Anyone?
I need to sign up this weekend, but I was too busy being out of the country to nominate anything and haven't even looked at the tag set yet.
...also, I may end up writing/posting any potential Yuletide story from India this year. Ha ha. Ha Ha haaaaa.
I have been hanging in IRC, reading Coal while hating myself, and bookmarking potential treats!
I have signed up for Yuletide! I will leave panicking and changing my offers for tomorrow.
I am inviting the bears into my holiday season, as well.
I wonder if anyone decorates with Christmas Bears because Yuletide?
I will now!!!!!
Eeeeee! Yuletide assignments are out!
I will not flip out because my recipient included no prompt details and has a locked Dear Yuletide letter. I'm sure this will change, and I can write to Mods if it doesn't.
If gold stars were still a thing, I think I could get one this year. I am dead tired and wrote 325 words of it already. I suspect I have a a dentist this year, but I will write them the best [redacted] I can before I start on the treart I must write.