Though there is someone on AO3 using my real name as a pseud.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I was reading a ton of blithers's stuff in rapid succession. Now I want to track this down. Nay, I'm GOING to track it down.
Ah. It was New Girl. I thought it was you, but maybe I'm wrong?
Yes! That was me!
I was reading a lot of sitcom fic in 2013.
I wrote some New Girl stuff. Nothing as good as blithers, though.
HEY! Long-form writers: how do you approach your re-writes?
Let someone else read it, and note where they go "huh? Did you mean this? Or that? And what about that thing, don't you need to set that up earlier?" And stuff. And then incorporate/take out/clarify/streamline those things in the next draft. Sometimes if it's been a while since I looked at an earlier section I can catch those things myself. Mostly I'm too immersed to catch even typos, though.
I'm arrogant enough that I don't usually use a beta (ah, the old days, when I had people I trusted in the same fandom I was writing in). I tend to post chapters as I go, so I try to plot out where I'm going, and if I come up with a great idea later I'll either pout that I blocked myself out of using it or think of twists in order to fit it in.
I am an outlier when it comes to writing methods. My first draft is in my head, I have no problem going back and fixing things while I'm writing, I like working without a net.
I don't post WIPs, because I would totes magotes lose my motivation if I did. I am constantly revising.
My biggest issue right now is that there are two chapters that still need tweaking to fit the novel structure--I completed them when I thought I was writing a novella.
There's a person on reading my latest Avengers story and reviewing each chapter as she goes. She just said "It's midnight and I can't stop reading!" She's up to chapter 8 of the current 18. I think I want to have her little fic-babies.
The people on are so much better about reviewing than Ao3. They just punch the kudos button and move on.