I also wrote a little post-AoS fic. I think this is the first thing I've written since 2005 or so. Maybe the next thing I write will have plot and/or smut. Or happen before 2023. [link]
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
No zombie zone, snerk.
Thanks! Yeah, that was fun. Maybe I'll get back into writing now and again.
That was a huge amount of fun, Calli!
In other news, I posted this back in March, and it is suddenly very relevant given the promos for next week's Supernatural (obv. avoid clicking if you want to avoid spoilers).
That's gorgeous, Anne!
Thank you!
It's about time to start asking about vividcon DVDs, isn't it?
Does anyone have an unclaimed set?
Of course.
In fact, through a combination of circumstances (mostly my own stupidity) I have two copies of last year's set, in case anyone here is interested.
Yay! Thanks.
Do any b.orgers write Arrow fic? I don't want to be missing someone if they do.
I seem to have fallen down a fic shaped hole.