I have wondered about Dog Cops for ages. and I confess to Googling it myself.
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Googling it was actually distressing, as the results were mostly of reports of police dogs slain, dead dogs reported to the police, including images. Then I got lost in tropes for awhile. But now I know why it keeps coming up in Avengers fic that are Hawkeye-centric.
This seems like the perfect concept for Adultswim. Get on that people!
I really did think it was an Animal Planet funniest video kind of thing for police dogs.
No, I watch over a vet that watches over some military dogs and it's often hilarious but never funny.
Is this the place to leave this link: [link] ?
Ahhh, my favorite OTP. Thank you, Jesse! I may have to buy Sunday's paper to see the entire article.
Man, I'll admit, I am getting more and more uncomfortable with the notion that fandom, particularly niche fandom, is something regularly covered by mainstream media.
And generally covered badly.
Unfortunately. That's why I want to see the whole article. I'm sure I'll end up frothing at the mouth. Can't wait for the TLJC to rear its ugly head in the comments.
I think that is the whole thing.
There's a little blurb at the bottom of the page that says a version of that article will appear in print on Sunday. Not sure if it will be more or less than what we see online. Could be the same words, but fewer pictures, could be more words; I'm guessing the first. Starbuck's carries the NYT, I can do coffee there to check it out.