It's brutal, explicit in a not hot way, and a fascinating look into how things could work in the typical omegaverse framework. From an intellectual standpoint, one of my favorites in the fandom.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Wait, I think I know the one you're talking about. Maybe. Mycroft sorta accidentally bonds with Sherlock when he's real young, but then abjures him. John wants to get with Sherlock and is quite pissed that Sherlock's alpha isn't around to take care of him and doesn't even find out until the 2nd or 3rd story in the series that Mycroft is Sherlock's alpha. Is that the one?
Different one. This one was a one-off, and a lot darker.
Reading it? Write it right, and I am there with bells on.
That's is almost my family crest.
I'm meh about holmescest, though I can buy it pretty easily. Some 'cest I'm okay on, but I rarely seek it out. I get really irritated when the characters try to explain away the enormous cultural taboo they are violating--author, you are writing a trope. Let's just all accept that the trope is there for id-related reasons. Do not explain your id.
I'm meh about homescest and wincest, but waycest makes me nope right the fuck out.
juliana, looks like I got my series mixed up. That's definitely the right Halloween fic, but still the wrong series. There were probably ten or more stories in it. I think. The last story had something about eames's old crew and memory wipes and in the end they're such heroes that the train passengers low about who their rescuers were. There was an old couple where they get chucked off the train to die in the snow. It was supposed to be a vacation.
Waycest, she asks in fear?
I don't think I'll go looking for it then. There's enough fic out there for all of us.
I know you're pretty much a fic omnivore, Plei, but if you ever want recs of Sherlock stories in specific or places to find stories, let me know.
I know you're pretty much a fic omnivore, Plei, but if you ever want recs of Sherlock stories in specific or places to find stories, let me know.
I used to flatmeme the kink meme daily, as well as check the AO3 feed. I've just now unsubbed from most of the aggregation communities. That said, if there's something written after, say, March of last year that's awesome, I'll have not seen it.
I don't think of myself as a fic omnivore. I'm mostly a serial fandom monogamist with occasional flings, and in some cases, a mistress on the side. Right now, apparently, I'm primarily MCU, with frequent dips into the Losers and Push (the side mistress, and my new Dark Angel, apparently), and occasional flirtations in Rivers of London.
waycest makes me nope right the fuck out.
Oh man me too. Just--no no no no no.
Waycest, she asks in fear?
Gerard and Mikey Way from My Chemical Romance.
but if you ever want recs of Sherlock stories in specific or places to find stories, let me know.
Not Plei, but I may take you up on that. There is just too much to locate the sort of story I'm interested in.
my new Dark Angel, apparently
Blasphemer. There is no Dark Angel but Dark Angel.
I am absolutely a fic omnivore. My poor overloaded instapaper has at least forty different fandoms' worth of fic in there. I will read most anything if it's really that good.
Which is how I accidentally got into Hannibal fic (still wavering on the show due to vore) at the tail end of last year.