Not, you know, that someone sold me on a series this week by saying, "and then you get to the third or fourth story, and it gets really explicit, we're talking metal arm fisting." or anything.
The idea of metal arm fisting makes me wonder about potential attachments.
Connie, it is against the fundamental rules of the archive to change an author's tags, even if, for example, they have put all their tags in the characters field. So, no, sorry, can't.
Plei, as a side note, there only appear to be about 4 stories on the archive with metal arm fisting-type tags.
Calli, there's a tag about it vibrating.
Oh, there are stories that have gone there. They usually have way too much Tony Stark for my taste, but they exist.
Plei, as a side note, there only appear to be about 4 stories on the archive with metal arm fisting-type tags.
So far! I'm pretty sure I've read more than that. Buggers just haven't tagged for it, damn them.
If you make a bookmark and tag it, that counts and shows up in searches.
That's nice to know, Debet. I don't usually tag my bookmarks, but I might start to now I know. That way, if there's a tag I think the author didn't include, but should have been there, I can add it. Nice!
That I did not know!
Man, when I am done with this stupid Push story that I really should go back to working on so I can get on with my life, I am so calling out to the Tumblr ranks in search of metal arm fisting recs so I don't have to try to track down everything I ever read.
Plus, if you don't like them, you can just ignore the things that use them, so they serve a function for you.
True enough, if they were removed I wouldn't know what stories to avoid.
That's always been my approach - if those melodramatic and overly twee tags weren't there, I might not have the UGH, DO NOT WANT! reaction until I've wasted time reading part of the actual fic!
Can I petition you to do a wholesale dump of any tag with the variant of "My feeels, I show you them" or "I don't even"?
Whereas in the fandoms I read the most, those tags mean I'm in for hilarious crack. Bandom represent! (In other words,
throw your cameras in the air and wave 'em 'cos you just don't care
(PWentz is not an emotional role model.)