I've read a couple of pre-serum pieces that had the "asthma is psychosomatic" bit, so some people are doing the research.
'The Killer In Me'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Some always do. And you'll always have the ones who don't. My big concern, though, is for the ones who do not know that there is research to be done.
Which, I suppose, is a sign of aging. So much shit that was still fairly new and shiny when we were kids is now old hat.
I am reading a (somewhat tedious, very fluffy, but longfic which I crave something awful as go-to-sleep reading) that described in great detail the beauty of the sun coming up over the horizon and then spent three pages repeatedly calling it a sunset.
I was just thinking there needs to be a pre-series SPN FAQ that people use . But tumblr as that platform? Abominababble.
Juliebird, if you like Sherlock, especially with case fics, you might want to scrounge through swissmiss's bookmarks. She categorizes them all into various collections and at least two or three of them are listed as being case fic driven. It's not all inclusive of every Sherlock fic out there, just her favorites, but it's still pretty extensive.
Ugh, I'm so out of it. I missed the SPN/J2 BB signup. I want to kick myself. I was really looking forward to it, but...
Gotta go set alarms for the D/C claims.
This is the kind of thing fanfic does so well: [link] Steven Rogers at 100: Celebrating Captain America on Film (a meta-story about the many movies made about Captain America in the Avengers universe).
Sometimes I look at tags, not summaries, and wonder what the following prompt would result in in other hands:
Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Castiel/Dean Winchester, eventual Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Meg Masters, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Emma (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Meg Masters (Human), Zachariah (Supernatural), Amy Milton, Alternate Universe - Human, Parents Castiel & Dean Winchester, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Human Castiel, Human Meg, Cunnilingus, Christmas, Recreational Drug Use, Pining Castiel, Arguing --9450 words
People tag for arguing?
It's better than "I don't know" and "I don't even" and "FEEEELLLSS!!"
sorrynotsorryis one of my NOT favourites.
But I still think there should be a challenge where you write a story based on an existing story's tags. Like remix, but more random.