How do a search to exclude tags I don't want? I've tried doing "not" in front of unwanted tags on ao3 and that didn't work at all. I'm sure I'm being a dummy about this.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
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I don't spend much time in the MCU fic, but I think this Sam/Steve might be all i needed out of this movie: [link]
Does anyone use statistics on LJ?
Yes, with a grain of salt. Sometimes I post a comment or an anecdote deliberately, just to see if people are paying attention. It's a little disconcerting to note, yep, they are.
As always, I am pained by portmanteaux and cutesy pairing names, except for Steve/Sam, I have seen both "free birds" and "american airlines", and those are kind of adorable.
American airlines I get. Free birds, not so much, unless anything with wings is a go.
He's the Falcon!
Is it a Sam/Sam ship?
Maybe "free birds" because the American eagle is a symbol of America, and Steve is Captain America after all.