I've seen a lot of AU twincest, for a start.
And then there's releasing him as a vessel--he can sex him up in another vessel, or he can pull a trick similar to whatever Anna and Gabe did.
Unrelatedly, I seem to keep stumbling into poem-fic. I know how to steer clear, mostly, of songfic and will only try wihen recommended, but now people are dumping vats of Donne or Angelou into the mix, and although I dislike neither poet, jamming in
prose right next to their poetry doesn't actually do most people's writing a favour by comparison.
Also, I find it distracting and don't enjoy the poem as well as I normally do (especially when I notice if they tweak pronouns or other twee little stuff to make it perfect
QQ: do I need to be logged into FF.net to receive my subscriptions via email? Because I've been following an author, and lately had thought they'd gotten busy with RL, only to discover that they've got at least five new works out there/in progress. I only discovered this because I got an update from their LJ account, and wanted to see if there were comments, and remembered that their biggest feedback source was their FF account.
You should still receive notifications from FF.net even when it has been ages since your last log-in. But I think I have seen thingies saying FF.net was having trouble sending out notifications - that may have been resolved but it might cover the period when that author posted.
As a FYI for those who want donate to help the victims of Typhoon Haiyan, Fandom Aid is allowing writers and artists to offer up works for charity. So, if you're interested in offering works or donating, you may want to check it out.
(And yes, I did post an offer.)
FYI, we updated Polyamorous Recs today. In less than a year, which we are totally considering an accomplishment.
There are 100 stories in this update.
t does happy dance
Yay, Night Vale!
I commented on three "errors" in three fics--1. your Cas is correcting his grammar incorrectly--is that deliberate? 2. The Impala doesn't have seatbelts 3. Gabriel is the shortest of the four.
I got back 1. Okie dokie smokie snippiness 2. Laughing insistence on adhering to road safety even if the show doesn't and 3. "I was trying to make the age difference clear" and eventual "I'll just fix it then..." when I said size kink people would be sad.
The second question was to an author I enjoyed and respected, and ~oddly~ enough, she she fielded me pointing it out the most deftly. I had never read the other two before. If someone pointed something like those out (I honestly tried to be nice each time, honest) to you, would you be mad? I'm not pointing out people's grammar errors generally, but when it makes a mistake in the story itself, it feels awkward, and I do want to be helpful.
And AO3 doesn't, unless I'm missing it, have a way to do that other than in comments, so it's right out there unless the author deletes afterwards. Some authors have sincerely told me specifically to mention anything I see, others I don't know if I can take them at their notes' word.