Sure. I think the DVDs are $15 plus a couple of bucks for shipping. I'll ping you for your mailing address once I have the DVDs.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
You know what's sad? When a fanfic writer who is both prolific and generally very good starts slipping. But then, I am not certain I can tell if the actual skill level is backsliding, or if my interest in the fandom is slipping so now the shine has faded.
It's interesting how a genderswap story will change how I view a character. I'd been avoiding a Clint/Phil story because of the genderswap, but finally gave in because of how many times it had been bookmarked.
Things like Coulson's love of trash TV and Supernanny. Make him a woman, and suddenly it seems pathetic and lonely. But as a man, it strikes me as an interesting quirk. Maybe it's the context. Where as a man, it was mentioned in passing, as a woman, it's described as her evening alone. So maybe it's also the author having a bias. Yet still...
I'm judging me.
Things like Coulson's love of trash TV and Supernanny. Make him a woman, and suddenly it seems pathetic and lonely. But as a man, it strikes me as an interesting quirk. Maybe it's the context. Where as a man, it was mentioned in passing, as a woman, it's described as her evening alone. So maybe it's also the author having a bias. Yet still...
I think that's a good example of how fanfic can address social perceptions of gender. It's one of the reasons I love the trope (and fanfic, for that matter), especially when it's used in that way (even if it's inadvertent, which can be hard for me to tell).
I don't know if I'd use the word "address" so much as "reveal (again)". The bottom has been possessed and dominated so many times by the topping partner that it makes me want to a) cry b) only peg from here on in. We all believe this? This is how we all translate sex position code? THIS IS WHAT WAS HAPPENING WHEN I HAD SEX THOSE TIMES???
And it doesn't need fanfic to reveal it--search tumblr for pegging, and it's 98% femDom scenes, 92% involving humiliation.
Yup! That's what being dicked is about, or finally FINALLY getting to dick someone.
How naive am I still being to think that flipping the status quo would let us help see the baggage for what it is, as opposed to reinforcing it (or taking revenge)?
Anybody else getting a lot of 403 Forbidden errors on FFN?
Laura Shapiro has a great set of Vividcon vid recs here: [link]
Also, anyone who ever loved Buffy needs to watch this: [link]
The Sellout is fabulous, 'suela. Loved it.
Yeah, I've already downloaded it; it will go into my regular rotation of Vids Which Inspire Me.
I showed my sister Starships, among other vids yesterday, and she couldn't understand why it made me cry.
I guess if you haven't seen every show or movie that comprises it, and the song wasn't an anthem for an important facet of science fiction (she's started reading fantasy, but not sci fi yet, I don't think), I guess it's not ... I just thought it would be easier to explain.
I will post it to IO9 and see if they get it.
I also showed her Profound Bond, and that anyone who's watched SPN and two romantic comedies gets that. You don't have to ship it to find it well executed.
I missed out on this year's Vividcon DVD! I can't believe it's not last year still--I swear I just watched the last one for the first time.