Actually, LJ has rules against advertising in your LJ for commercial endeavors.
Really? Huh, the entire Gothic fashion universe is screwed, then.
And I'm still just boggled.
Yep, this.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Actually, LJ has rules against advertising in your LJ for commercial endeavors.
Really? Huh, the entire Gothic fashion universe is screwed, then.
And I'm still just boggled.
Yep, this.
Wow. Just read all the VAST array of comments to the deleted post, and the final "Goodbye Cruel LJWorld!" post. Wow.
And the thing is? After all of those comments - some of which were bullyingly vicious, but many of which were "This is selfish and stupid and can hurt all of us for X Y and Z reasons" type posts she still doesn't get it. She's still clearly concentrating on the 'I asked for help in pursuing my writing career' element, rather than the 'fanfic for sale' element. And the notion that she is NOT needy, along with the notion that what she actually needs is better time management? Clearly bounced right off her head.
You think people would realize that if you say "this the stupidest thing i've ever done" and "this will probably piss people off" then it is and it will.
And people will come and tell you, at lenght, exactly how stupid you are and how pissed off they are.
Then they will tell there friends.
Who will tell theirs. And then links will be posted so everyone can see what a dumbass you are.
It's like a cautionary fandom tale. I wonder if it'll pass into the nomenclature.
What happened to Userboi18?
Oh, he did something stupid last week, and his flist CousinJeaned him.
I think this is a really grey area, and you could see it as no worse than the woman who put up a paypal donation box so people could give her money to replace her stolen laptop, or whatever.
Yeah, you know, I was just thinking about what the difference between those two events was (on my lunchtime walk, which was Hella Hot but did end in me getting a $0.25 copy of Snow Crash at the library, so go me). Because Cassie Claire did not get the same kind of overwhelming rejection, even though there was a subtext of "get her a computer so she can write more."
She didn't actually make the appeal personally, though, did she?
Because Cassie Claire did not get the same kind of overwhelming rejection
I made fun of her here, I'm pretty sure. I do my part.
I do my part.
Evidently not enough. What's your paypal address so we can subsidize you during these efforts?
Cassie Claire didn't make the quid pro quo explicit, did she?
It doesn't count if I don't directly solicit donations, right? I mean, I can't help it if people are overcome by my brilliance and fling cash at me.
Has this been a life problem for you to date? Cause, damn, I picked the wrong fandom if so.