Thursday! Early. Like 6PM, not midnight.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Good god.
Assignments are due on Thursday, December 20th, at 8:00 pm US Eastern time.
Thanks. I know what I'm doing tomorrow.
I know what I'm doing tomorrow.
Panicking? *g*
Shit, I need a title and a summary, don't I?
I have squeezed whole second halves of books in just under deadline. I can never get down to business until I absolutely have to, which is my worst writing habit.
But it'll get it done. I have an idea what I'm going to do.
You can do it, Amy!
I need to tweak a bit of wording, and then I can upload! I even have a title. Summary, that's a different problem ... no wait! There's a perfect summary from the media prompt. Whew.
Strangely, this year, I was never really worried, even though I didn't write a word until about a week ago.
I have an idea what I'm going to do.
That's good. I wrote half of mine in my head before I typed anything.
I write most things in my head for a long time before I start putting them down. And I know this fandom well enough to be comfortable with it.