I get the spam messages sometimes more than once a month. Yes, people on the internet hate us. They're called spammers, and they deride us so much they abuse us on the very offchance of a return.
I went on a date with a guy who wrote spam software when I just moved out to LA. He was incredibly...not contrite. I didn't even pause for a second to consider seeing him again.
I think you should have agreed to a second date and used Audition as a model for it.
Does anyone know if there are Burn Notice/Castle cross overs with Castle and Martha interacting with Michael and Maddie? If there should be.
Is it reasonable to only have JUST started writing my Yuletide story? Someone, please tell me it is.
Yeah, I haven't done anything with mine other than write some of it in my head.
The first year of yuletide, I finished my story about five minutes before the deadline, writing and submitting it on my father-in-law's computer. Slash, naturally.
What day do we have to be done again?